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Bob Gold

Bob Gold & Associates
Bob Gold founded and leads Bob Gold & Associates, one of the premiere communications public relations agencies specializing in Technology, Media and Telecom. In 2019 Public Relations Society (PRSA) Los Angeles named him Communications Professional of the Year. And the agency was named by Forbes as one of the country’s best PR Agencies in 2021, with a 5-star rating. The agency, founded 25 years ago, has helped launch nearly two dozen companies, re-branded others, and created successful campaigns for numerous privately-owned and Fortune 500 brands. He has also helped raise millions of dollars for charities, taught hundreds of students and helped further strategic business plans for numerous businesses and associations.

Gold is the author of the popular children’s picture book, The Shiny Penny, and a collection of poems, Words to Lift By.  He is very proud of his most recent collaboration, capturing the history of Temple Beth El San Pedro, as it celebrates it Centenary, and becomes the officially the 2nd oldest synagogue in Southern California.  Gold holds many honors including being inducted into the Cable TV Pioneers along with Comcast’s Brian Roberts, CNN’s Ted Turner and other notables is featured in the Cable Center’s one-hour Oral history about his career in managing messages for the Cable Industry.
He holds a master's degree in communications management from the Annenberg School of Communications at the University of Southern California, where he led the Alumni Board of Directors for a decade. He also serves on the Board of the Volunteer Center for the South Bay, San Pedro and Long Beach.